Sunday, December 14, 2008

Underwire Bra Airport Security 2010


1 .- The work required to carry a unit charge from infinity to any point is defined as: POTENTIAL AT THIS POINT
2 .- work charging unit is required to carry a particle from point A to another B is called: POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE
3 .- A surface whose potential is the same everywhere is called: equipotential surface
4 .- The net charge passes through or cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bconductor per unit time interval is called: ELECTRICAL
5 .- The current per unit area of \u200b\u200bcross section of a conductor is defined as: CURRENT DENSITY
6 .- When a driver is subjected to an electric field the conduction electrons move, due to collisions with ions of the network, at an average speed called: drift rate
7. - A measure that gives the opposition a material to current flow and is characteristic of that is called: RESISTIVITY
8 .- The unit of electrical resistance in the international system of measurement is called: OHM
9 .- When capacitor charges, it appears that the charge q that appears on their plates is always directly proportional to the difference in potential between them, as it is called the constant of proportionality that makes this equality becomes: CAPACITANCE
10 .- The unit of capacitance in SI is called a farad, and units are: coulomb / volt
11 .- The work per unit charge that carried a source of electrical energy is called: Electromotive Force
12 .- The Act states: In any union of an electric circuit the total current entering such a union must be equal to the current that comes out is: KCL UNION OR RULE OR REGULATION OF NODE
13 .- If a current flows through any circuit in succession several elements of it, then those elements are said to be connected in the form
SERIES 14 .- The law states: The algebraic sum of potential differences around a full mesh circuit must be zero is called: KVL or MESH
RULE 15 .- If in any circuit the equivalent resistance is obtained by adding the values \u200b\u200bof all resistors are in, then they are connected in the form SERIES


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