Thursday, June 10, 2010

How Win Light Contests For Xmas


"I must write this diary in secret and in absolute secrecy. Refers to the Antarctic my flight on February 19, 1947. There will come a time when the rationality of men must be reduced to nothing and then you must accept the inevitability of the Truth. I have no liberty to disclose the documents below, you may never see the light, but I, in any way, do my duty and tell it here hoping that one day everyone can read it in a world where selfishness and the eagerness of some men can no longer suppress the truth. ... "Extensions of ice and snow below us, seen yellow with line drawings. Altered the route for further examination of these colored configurations also view colors purple and pink. ... "Both the magnetic compass and gyroscopic needle start to spin and swing, we can not maintain our course with the instruments. Note the solar compass direction, everything seems still in order. The controls seem slow in response and performance, but no indication of freezing. ... "29 minutes of flight since the first sighting of the mountains, it is not a hallucination. It is a small chain of mountains that had never seen before. ... "Besides the mountains there is something that seems to be a valley with a small river or stream that flows toward the center. There should be no no green valley below!. There is something decidedly odd and abnormal here! We should fly only ice and snow!. On the left are large forests on the slopes of the mountains. Our navigation instruments are still spinning like crazy. ... "Change the altitude to 1400 feet and make a full turn to left to better examine the valley beneath. It is green with moss and grass very thick. The light here seems different. I can not see the sun We give another twist to the left and caught sight of something that seems to be some kind of big animal. It looks like an elephant! NO!. It looks like a mammoth!. It's amazing! But yes!. Descend to 1000 feet elevation and use a prism to better examine the animal. Is confirmed, it is an animal similar to other green hills mamutEncontramos. The exterior temperature gauge 24 degrees Celsius mark. Now we continue on our path. The onboard instruments now appear normal. I remain puzzled by their reactions. Attempt to contact base camp. The radio does not work. "The level and surrounding landscape seems normal. Ahead of us we spotted what appears to be a city!. It is impossible!. The plane seems strangely light and floating. The controls refuse to respond!. My God. To our right and our left is strange devices type. Approach and some of them radiates. They are now close enough to see their badges. It is a strange symbol. Where are we?. What happened?. Again decidedly shooting controls. No response!. We are firmly trapped by a kind of invisible steel trap. ... "Our radio squawks and hear a voice speaking in English with an accent that seems decidedly Nordic or German!. The message is: - Welcome to our territory, Admiral. I will land in exactly seven minutes. Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands -. I realize that our aircraft engines are off. The appliance is under control and now a stranger turns only. ... "We received another radio message. We are starting the landing maneuver and soon the plane beginning to descend gently vibrates as supported by a huge, invisible lift ". ..." Some men are approaching on foot, by plane. They are tall and have blond hair. In the distance is a big city blinking, vibrant colors of the rainbow. I do not know what will happen now, but I see no traces of weapons on that approach. Now I hear a voice that commands me, calling me by name, opening the door. Run ". ..." From this point on writing the events that follow, to recall memory. This settles the imagination and would seem crazy but actually occurred. The coach and I were taken off the plane and welcomed warmly. Then we embarked on a small means of transport like a platform, but without wheels. We drove into town with extreme speed flashing. As we approached, the city seemed made of glass. Soon reach a large building, a style that never before had seen. There seemed to be out of the designs of Frank Lloyd Wright, or perhaps more precisely a scene of Buck Regers!. They offered a type of hot drink something that had never tasted. It was delicious. After about 10 minutes, two of our amazing hosts came to our property inviting me to follow. I had no choice but to obey. I left my radio technical and walked a little to enter into what appeared to be an elevator. We went down for a few moments, the elevator stopped and the door slid up quietly. Then proceeded down a long corridor lit by a pink light that seemed to emanate from the walls. One of the things beckoned to stand before a large door. Above this was an inscription that I was not able to read. The big door slid noiselessly and was invited to enter. One of the hosts said: - Have no fear, Admiral, you are going to have a conversation with the Maestro. - I went and my eyes slowly adapted to the wonderful staining appeared to completely fill the room. Then I began to see things around me. What was in my eyes was the most amazing view of my life. Indeed, it was too magnificent to be described. It was delicious. I do not think there are human terms capable of describing, in detail, with justice. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice sweet and melodious warmth: "I welcome you to our territory, Admiral." I saw a man with delicate features and with the signs of aging on your face. He sat at a large table. He invited me to sit in a chair. After sitting, joined the tips of his fingers and smiled. He spoke again sweetly and said the following: - We've made come here because you are of noble character and well known in the surface world, Admiral -. World surface! Almost out of breath!. Yes - stressed the Master with a smile - You are in the territory of the Aryans, the Earth's underwater world. Do not delay many mission and you will be accompanied back to the surface and also safely. But now, Admiral, I tell you the reason for his interest began exactly aquí.Nuestro convening immediately after the explosion of the first atomic bomb by your race and Nagashaki Hiroshima, Japan. It was then unsettling when we issue on your surface world our means flying. The Flugelrads, to investigate what your race had done. This is, of course, past history, Admiral, but let me continue. See, we never, before now, had interfered in the wars and barbarism of your race, but now we must do as you have learned to manipulate a type of energy, atomic, it is not, in fact, for man. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world and yet they do not serve them. Now you have been chosen to witness that our world exists. See, our culture and science are thousands of years ahead from yours, Admiral. "I interrupted:" But all this has to do with me, Lord. "The Master's eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind and after I studied a moment, replied:" Your race has reached the point of no return, because there are some among you who would destroy your whole world rather than relinquish power, and as you know .... "I nodded and the Master continued:" From 1945 onwards, we have tried to contact with your race but our efforts have been greeted with hostility: they fired on our Flugelrads. Yes, even were followed with malice and animosity by your fighter planes. So now, son mine, I tell you that there is a big storm on the horizon, to your world, a black fury that will not expire for several years. There will be no defense to your weapons, there is no safety in your science. Devastate until every flower of your culture has been trampled and all human things are scattered in the chaos. The recent war was only a prelude to how much still needs advent to your race. We, here, we can see more clearly every hour ... Do you think I'm wrong?. "" No - I said - as has happened once in the past, came the dark years and lasted 500 years. "" Yes, my son - said the Master - the dark years that will now for your race will cover the Earth with a pall, but I think that some among you will survive the storm, more than this do not know!. We see in the distant future emerge again from the ruins of your race, a new world in search of its legendary lost treasures and they will be here, my son, to secure our power. When will the time appear to help you live your culture and your race. Perhaps by then you will have learned the futility of war and their struggle ... and after that time a part of your culture and science will be returned to you so that your race can restart. You, my son, must return to the Surface World with this message .... "With these decisive words, our meeting seemed to come to term. For a moment I seemed to live a dream ... and yet knew that this was the reality and for some strange reason, I lean slightly, I do not know if out of respect or humility. Suddenly I realized that the two great hosts, who had led me here were again at my side. "This way, Admiral," he said one of Them. I turned once more before out and looked at Master. A sweet smile was imprinted on his old and delicate face. "Farewell, my son," he said and gestured with her graceful gentle hands, a gesture of peace and our meeting was definitely to an end. We went quickly from the room of the Master by the big door and enter the elevator again. The gate fell immediately silent and moved upward. One of my hosts spoke again: "Now we must hurry, Admiral, as the Master did not want to slow over your schedule and your race must return to their message." I said nothing, all this was almost unthinkable, and once again my thoughts were interrupted as soon as we stopped. I entered the room and was again with my tech-radio. He had an anxious expression on his face. Approaching said "all right, Howie, everything is fine." The two things we said the average wait, and soon we reach our plane. The engines were the minimum and embarked immediately. The atmosphere now was fraught with a certain air of urgency. When the door was closed, the plane was immediately transported to the top by that unseen force until we reached 2,700 feet. Two of the air assets were to our flanks, at a distance, making planning along the path of return. I note that the speed indicator did not indicate anything, but we were moving very quickly. ... Received a radio message: "Now we leave you, Admiral, your controls are free. Wiedersehen! Look Flugelrads for an instant, until they disappeared into the pale blue sky. The plane seemed, suddenly, caught by an updraft. Immediately took control. We do not talk for a while, each of us was immersed in his own thoughts. ... We flew back expanses of sky and snow, about 27 minutes from base camp. We sent a radio message, they reply. We normally ... normal. Base camp expressed relief at having re-established contact. ... Landed smoothly at base camp. I have a mission. ... March 11, 1947. I've had, just a meeting of staff at the Pentagon. I told my entire discovery and message Teacher. Everything has been duly registered. The President has been briefed. I hold a few hours (exactly 6 hours and 39 minutes). I carefully questioned by Top Security Forces and a medical team. It is a torment!. I put under strict control by the National Security means the United States of America. I remember that I am a soldier and, therefore, must obey the orders. ... Last entry: 30 December 1956. "In recent years, since 1947 until now, have not been good ... Here, then, my last entry in this singular diary. In conclusion, I must say that, properly, I have kept secret this argument, as I ordered, over the years. I've done this against all my moral integrity principle. Now I feel approaching the big night and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth will triumph. This is the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and this has reinvigorated my spirit donándome freedom!. I have done my duty in relation to the monstrous military industrial complex. Now the long night begins to approach, but there will be an epilogue. As the long Antarctic night ends, and the bright sun of truth will come again and those who belong to the darkness shall perish in its light ... "Because I'd seen that land beyond Pole, that Great Ignoto center.


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