Saturday, February 5, 2011

Distributor Little Tikes Philippines

Cycle: A View from yesterday. Isaac Newton.

At the time, Sir Isaac Newton had overtaken science itself, rarely has a common man a chance to see another that is greater than knowledge, that was the opportunity to Harold. James Harold Maxwell was a young man an old house in Kensington. The year was 1727.
-Harold, my friend.
-Lord Isaac? Do not talk, save your energy.
-Je, energías.-mugió. "I have lived my whole life tormented by the powers you know?
-Fever. Better rest.
"It was easy ... study an object that is accelerating was easy. His laws were simple, no one had paid attention, that's all (cough). Newton
-Master, I do not know these things, I only know what people who come to see me says.
- What you have said, good Harold?
"That you were the one who had eyes to see, we were all blind before you came to earth.
-Ja! (Cough) Many think that there is nothing more. But look, as I wrote, you or I or anyone could run faster and faster to infinity, but can we? Harold tell me can we?
"No, Lord Newton, no ... we do not understand ... rest .- Now with aching brow, obviously worried.
"Exactly my friend, we can not, I could never discover how far the limit of the (cough, puffs of air) speed, everything must have a limit, because everything in life exists to some degree, see me if no. We still can not see clearly, yet we see nothing.
"But what is telling my Lord?
"Surely there will be more, more like me better than me. Hopefully find a friend like you, dear Harold. It is only when you look at the universe. Just ... Mph! I regret not being there to see-rl ...


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