Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rough Area In The Inner Cheeks


Cepsa to hold back for the eighth consecutive year and in collaboration with the Provincial Office of Education of the Junta de Andalucía, the World Wetlands Day with the preparation of a special program of visits to the First Laguna de Palos where you will be involved over 600 schools.

Located between the towns of Huelva and Moguer, this natural area contains four lakes, and covers an area of \u200b\u200b635 ha. These lakes are characterized by freshwater and permanent. They are the bastion of wetlands stretching from the Tinto-Odiel marshes until the Guadalquivir. The vegetation that develops is swamp, finding species as reeds, rushes, tamarisk, cattails and reeds. In addition, there are around pine plantations, along with Mediterranean scrub. As for the fauna, the lagoons are especially relevant for birds, since there is an abundance of these, due in large part to be so close to the Doñana ponds.

started with some games and making a plate

After taking a delicious snack enjoyed a nice walk in which we discovered the flora and fauna of the environment. At all times we were accompanied by monitors that won the day was nice and we learned a great deal of content related to the knowledge of our environment.

These are some of the plants that we discovered in our visit


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