Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Start Off Sorority Interest Letter

Cycle: A View from yesterday. Galileo Galilei Internet

April 30, 1633. In the Roman Inquisition Jail looms a sorry figure, sitting in a back corner in a dark cell and musty damp stone. While waiting to be taken to a Roman convent to receive sentence, listen to the plaintive voice side, the voice of an old or a sick
"You right? Which challenged the Jesuits ...
"I do not challenge anyone, we just did a side ... Spots on the Sun .. It's funny that even here I can only think about it, "said Him
- How could see spots in the sun? "said the prisoner.
" It's very simple indeed, just about light, well, we can see.
-Ja! And what is light as you can not see?
"When you approach a fire, feel the heat is not it? and yet there is nothing between you and the fire. Also there is nothing between the Earth and the Sun and yet we feel its heat, that heat can not be seen, but it's there, sorry. Imagine how much more is there we can not see or feel.
- Then there is, "replied the prisoner.
- Jajajajajaja! My friend! -Still laughing-that is to say that the lover of a woman does not exist just because the husband is not aware of it! Now I have fun! Tomorrow, when I stood before the tribunal of the Cardinals will look to the eyes and smile in honor of you.
"Now I see why you're here.

Note Footnotes: In 1964 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered the "background radiation" of the universe, which is the echo of the Big Bang (top) as a result generated X-ray photograph where they located a region corresponding to the outbreak. Received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1978, 300 years after Galileo.
This year the Kepler spacecraft found 90 exoplanets by detecting an interference in the light of the suns, the planet passed in front (below).



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