Saturday, May 8, 2010

Menopause Bleeding After Ten Years


speaks about very susceptible to many of us, whether the topic of religion, the alleged bombing of the twin towers attack "or simulation? or both? The plan of government of a small group of people who not only now but long.

More than anything is a contribution to be able to question certain issues, or rather give the benefit of the doubt this is in this video in a movie even if some call it documentary called ZEITGEIST - Zeitgeist.

Watch South Park Online Cu*

TIME STRING THEORY: Einstein's Dream

The essential idea behind string theory is this: all the various particles "core" of the Standard Model are really just different manifestations of a basic object: a string. How can this be? Well, normally we would imagine that an electron, for example, is a "dot" with no internal structure. A point can not do anything but move. But if string theory is correct, using a "microscope" very strong we would realize that the electron is not really a point, but a small "loop", a cuerdita. A string can do something besides moving --- can vary in different ways. If it oscillates in a certain way, then, from afar, unable to discern who is really a string, we see an electron. But if it oscillates differently, then we see a photon, or a quark, or any other standard model particles. So, if string theory is correct, the world is made only of strings!
Perhaps most striking about string theory is that a simple idea works --- it is possible to get (an extension of) the standard model (which has been verified experimentally with extraordinary precision) from a theory strings. But it is important to clarify that so far, no experimental evidence that string theory itself is the correct description of the world around us. This is mainly due to the fact that string theory is still under development. We know some of its parts, but still not the complete structure, and therefore can not yet make specific predictions. In recent years there have been many extremely important and encouraging developments, which have dramatically improved our understanding of the theory.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How To Take Phlegm Out Of A Baby

Do you celebrate Christmas on December 25th? ... Yes, No and Why?

Sometimes we often see reality from another perspective but it seems so difficult to follow exactly that we say or think is either by traditions, culture, myths, legends, etc.

This video is about JJ Benitez studies that English is a famous journalist who wrote the books "Trojan Horse", where recounts the life of Jesus, and poses one of the biggest mysteries, thus obscuring the hidden NASA and travel.

Although this man many people consider it controversial, is right in many things and has to support the same story and the chronological years, the geography of days ago, it is worth noting that Mr. Benitez is based on a book especially the "Urantia Book" which you can see here ( ).

This part of the video illustrates one of the mistakes in the many, we begin with the year of birth of Jesus that according to Christianity was in year zero (0), although the error here and this was a mistake monk called Dionysius Exiguus. " In 1582 when Pope Gregorio XIII "undertook a reform of the calendar of Julius Caesar" was guided by the calculations of this monk, stating that the birth of Jesus was in the year zero (0). In the cycle 20 historians, exegetes and Astronomers discover that Jesus was born long before, the key is -4 year of our era, when fixing the date of death of Herod the year March 13 -4, lso specialists showed the schedule is terribly wrong, in which the year zero (0) in if not exists, is well known that Jesus was born under the reign of the murderous King Herod and the same is the one that ordered the slaughter of male children under 2 belen year and the region, this tragic circumstance places the birth of Jesus in the year -7 or -6.


  • Year -7: Birth of Jesus.

  • Year
  • -6: Massacre of the Innocents.

  • Year -4: Death of Herod the Great.

  • Year 1: Jesus fulfilled 7.

Another mistake is that Jesus not born in December, this invention biene cycle maybe IV or V cycle, when checking the weather conditions of belen noticed that between November and March are so crude that no pastor ariesga to bring their flocks into the hills, temperatures can drop to 5 or even 10 degrees below zero, if not too adversely that time when Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem this type of movement on foot or with animals always in season unfolded dry, never rains so Jose and Maria Belen tubieron to reach between May and October.

Why it is said that Jesus was born on December 25th? for many centuries before Mesopotamian peoples, the Egyptians and the Romans, had used to celebrate a feast called Diugualga began on December 21 celebrating the lengthening of days or the victory of the sun from the sun in effect expires and the day shifts are gradually lengthen auque no data are available, as historians point to "Constantine" as the emperor who admitted the change by replacing the pagan festival of Sol Invictus, the birth of Jesus you true winner of darkness despite the opposition of pure the Eastern church came to accept the date, the manipulation was successful, today very few know that this change was a political maneuver intended to overshadow (participate) to a pagan civilization another aberration of the regime of Constantine, the first ruler to accept Christianity as its official religion.

According to information from Benitez, Jesus was born at 12 noon of August 21

Female Yorture Scenes

"The False Trip to the Moon (How was filmed)" and "Is False Trip to the Moon" DISCOVER

This documentary consists of two parts: The False Trip to the Moon (How was filmed) and is False Trip to the Moon.
Dedicated to Stanley Kubrick, in charge of overseeing the running of the False moon walk, which involved signed their death sentence also to maintain secrecy, Kubrick was the last to die mysteriously, but in his life produced many excellent films like Full Metal Jacket or Metal Women jackets, The Orange Metallic, 2001 Space Odyssey, but was unknown as supervision of the filming of Journey to the Moon.
During this documentary, died on former CIA director Gen. Vernon Waters. The space race is very important, the military agency NASA is the more money you get defense, has a very clean image but develop weapons and military technologies, is very important for those who rule, keep sending, so, anyone who sees this documentary be a risk to national security.
The False Trip to the Moon (How was filmed)
is False Trip to the Moon

Forget Synthroidnausea


With the finding of researchers at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), the problem transfusion of blood from one group to another, causing death by not being in blood group compatibility.

This study is a system for converting blood groups A, B, AB in the 0, knowing that no donor type 0 ie there are very few people with such blood as being of type 0, you can donate to any person of blood group in which the donor type 0 is a "Universal Donor."

blood groups A, B, AB and 0 are due to the presence of specific proteins in the membranes of red blood cells, individuals with group A in their cells have protein A, while those of type 0 do not have no protein on the surface of red blood cells as mentioned above of such change to type 0 blood groups in which this system uses enzymes that remove red blood cell specific proteins of different blood.

The basis of the method is to break the bonds that unite immunospecific sugars responsible for the specific A and B to the red cell surface by enzymes. Researchers have found an enzyme produced by the bacterium Bacteroides fragilis that eliminates the antigen B and another from Elizabethkingia meningosepticum (causes a type of meningitis in children), which eliminates the antigen A. These enzymes are glycosidases, and when purified are highly efficient.
The α-galactosidase breaks the bond α1 ,3-galactose residues linking the antigens of group B. Recently it has identified a prokaryotic family of alpha-galactosidase with high specificity for the substrate and a neutral pH optimum of activity, synthesized by Bacteroides fragilis.La α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase has the same role in breaking the link established between the antigens and cell surface rojos.La combination of the two enzymes convert any blood type in group 0. This opens the way for the production of universal blood from donors withdrawals of any kind, although clinical trials are underway to confirm that the blood produced by this system is safe and effective.

This system has to be certified to see if this system is safe and effective.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Irs Audit Of Closed Businesses


production of meat either beef, chicken, pork and not far from reality today, a report presented at the First International Symposium on In Vitro Meat, held in Norway raises the possibility that meat is artificially produced in the in the windows of supermarkets in the near future to compete with natural meat that is usually in the normal diet commonly consumed with either meat, chicken, pork, including products such as hamburger. According to EFE

Jason Matheny, director of New Harvest says that hamburgers can make to prevent heart attacks.
This is important not only from the point of view , To prevent diseases and animal diseases is as evil as you Disease Mad Cow or flu, even for meat "light."

A report published by the Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations indicates that livestock creates more emissions of greenhouse gases than transport, urging the immediate remediation of the problem, not only that they and United Nations in his report the problem called "Livestock's Long Shadow The" unsustainability of a planet with a herd which has devastated the Amazon and global warming increases.

this study is that the fermented meat is "meat" made from crop the laboratory of stem cells or muscle of animals such as chickens, pigs or sheep.
Progress so far is the result is only small strips of pork from an inch long that can be stretched and you can add protein.

The problem that comes is the change in the mentality of the consumer and how expensive it can be the product and that if there is no longer tenable if manufacturing.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Scab Pregnantof The Nipple


The pollution problem is from many years ago, definitely brings problems and consequences if we become aware of the problems of it and be able to resolve this serious damage to the ocean more harmful to ourselves.

As we all know the fish feed on zooplankton, the problem is that currently shares the oceans Zooplankton with an increased number of small pieces of plastic, which therefore are eating plastic and not only that apart from the fish are involved seabirds and is causing harm to these species and that indirectly hurts us a simple analysis alimentica.Los plastic chain are based oils are not destroyed by natural bodies so that any plastic that entered the ocean stays there more and continually breaking into smaller parts until they are eaten or left on some distant shore .


although pollution is a problem in all the oceans due to the continuous waste dumped into the sea, there is the increased pollution in the Pacific Ocean.

According to the study of "Algalita MARINE RESEARCH FOUNDATION"

• For each 6 pounds of plastic is 1 kg of zooplankton.
• Of the 2700 pieces of plastic in the sample, 83 were brown. This sampling plan to determine the level of trash in the ocean was made with a network called "blanket" that grips the zooplankton and this determines the weight of the aforementioned comparison. The sampling area was 100 miles at random. (From Seattle, Angels and Hawaii).

The problem is also that no institution or scientific groups have studied the hormonal effects of these contaminants in fish and seabirds.

The 'Pacific Garbage Patch' covers an area twice the size of U.S. continental. (Photo: Stock File / FIS)

Scientists say that this "plastic soup" of floating debris and covers an area twice the size of the continental United States.

The vast expanse littered with debris, which stretches from Hawaii to Japan is fixed by the undercurrents, reports BBC. It is estimated that only in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Japan, more than 100 million tons of plastic and more than 1 million birds and more than 100 thousand marine mammals die every year from ingesting plastic. It is believed that 90% of garbage floating in the oceans is plastic. In 2006, the Environmental Programme for United Nations estimated that every square mile of ocean contains about 46,000 pieces of floating plastic.

According to information from "MIDWAY ATOLL NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE (Midway Atoll National Wildlife REFUGION)

• The Laysan albatross birds eat plastic, lighters, toys, tampons, and large fragments.

Dr. Antonio Andrade expert on how to undo the plastic in the marine environment explains that each piece of plastic made still exists, the molecules of plastic, long-chain polymers are not hydrogenated, no bodies or bioengineering bacteria can undo the plastic.
Marcus Eriksen, director of research at the Marine Research Foundation Algalita (AMRF), said that the mass of floating debris also poses a risk to human health. Plastic pollutants act as chemical sponges attracting substances man-made chemicals such as hydrocarbons and the pesticide DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), which may enter the food chain. Photo Gallery

trip of garbage by the ocean that just accumulating in what is called the Pacific trash vortex in some areas causing the seas have plastic concentration exceeds the plankton, the family of mostly microscopic organisms, including plants and bacteria that inhabit the salt water and basic food for many marine animals.

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OCEAN (here we have some interesting videos can illustrate more about ocean pollution by plastic, others call it "soup plastic ")


an ocean of PLASTIC

Oceans of plastic - Oppenheimer presents