Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Forget Synthroidnausea


With the finding of researchers at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), the problem transfusion of blood from one group to another, causing death by not being in blood group compatibility.

This study is a system for converting blood groups A, B, AB in the 0, knowing that no donor type 0 ie there are very few people with such blood as being of type 0, you can donate to any person of blood group in which the donor type 0 is a "Universal Donor."

blood groups A, B, AB and 0 are due to the presence of specific proteins in the membranes of red blood cells, individuals with group A in their cells have protein A, while those of type 0 do not have no protein on the surface of red blood cells as mentioned above of such change to type 0 blood groups in which this system uses enzymes that remove red blood cell specific proteins of different blood.

The basis of the method is to break the bonds that unite immunospecific sugars responsible for the specific A and B to the red cell surface by enzymes. Researchers have found an enzyme produced by the bacterium Bacteroides fragilis that eliminates the antigen B and another from Elizabethkingia meningosepticum (causes a type of meningitis in children), which eliminates the antigen A. These enzymes are glycosidases, and when purified are highly efficient.
The α-galactosidase breaks the bond α1 ,3-galactose residues linking the antigens of group B. Recently it has identified a prokaryotic family of alpha-galactosidase with high specificity for the substrate and a neutral pH optimum of activity, synthesized by Bacteroides fragilis.La α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase has the same role in breaking the link established between the antigens and cell surface rojos.La combination of the two enzymes convert any blood type in group 0. This opens the way for the production of universal blood from donors withdrawals of any kind, although clinical trials are underway to confirm that the blood produced by this system is safe and effective.

This system has to be certified to see if this system is safe and effective.


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