Sunday, May 2, 2010

Scab Pregnantof The Nipple


The pollution problem is from many years ago, definitely brings problems and consequences if we become aware of the problems of it and be able to resolve this serious damage to the ocean more harmful to ourselves.

As we all know the fish feed on zooplankton, the problem is that currently shares the oceans Zooplankton with an increased number of small pieces of plastic, which therefore are eating plastic and not only that apart from the fish are involved seabirds and is causing harm to these species and that indirectly hurts us a simple analysis alimentica.Los plastic chain are based oils are not destroyed by natural bodies so that any plastic that entered the ocean stays there more and continually breaking into smaller parts until they are eaten or left on some distant shore .


although pollution is a problem in all the oceans due to the continuous waste dumped into the sea, there is the increased pollution in the Pacific Ocean.

According to the study of "Algalita MARINE RESEARCH FOUNDATION"

• For each 6 pounds of plastic is 1 kg of zooplankton.
• Of the 2700 pieces of plastic in the sample, 83 were brown. This sampling plan to determine the level of trash in the ocean was made with a network called "blanket" that grips the zooplankton and this determines the weight of the aforementioned comparison. The sampling area was 100 miles at random. (From Seattle, Angels and Hawaii).

The problem is also that no institution or scientific groups have studied the hormonal effects of these contaminants in fish and seabirds.

The 'Pacific Garbage Patch' covers an area twice the size of U.S. continental. (Photo: Stock File / FIS)

Scientists say that this "plastic soup" of floating debris and covers an area twice the size of the continental United States.

The vast expanse littered with debris, which stretches from Hawaii to Japan is fixed by the undercurrents, reports BBC. It is estimated that only in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Japan, more than 100 million tons of plastic and more than 1 million birds and more than 100 thousand marine mammals die every year from ingesting plastic. It is believed that 90% of garbage floating in the oceans is plastic. In 2006, the Environmental Programme for United Nations estimated that every square mile of ocean contains about 46,000 pieces of floating plastic.

According to information from "MIDWAY ATOLL NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE (Midway Atoll National Wildlife REFUGION)

• The Laysan albatross birds eat plastic, lighters, toys, tampons, and large fragments.

Dr. Antonio Andrade expert on how to undo the plastic in the marine environment explains that each piece of plastic made still exists, the molecules of plastic, long-chain polymers are not hydrogenated, no bodies or bioengineering bacteria can undo the plastic.
Marcus Eriksen, director of research at the Marine Research Foundation Algalita (AMRF), said that the mass of floating debris also poses a risk to human health. Plastic pollutants act as chemical sponges attracting substances man-made chemicals such as hydrocarbons and the pesticide DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), which may enter the food chain. Photo Gallery

trip of garbage by the ocean that just accumulating in what is called the Pacific trash vortex in some areas causing the seas have plastic concentration exceeds the plankton, the family of mostly microscopic organisms, including plants and bacteria that inhabit the salt water and basic food for many marine animals.

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OCEAN (here we have some interesting videos can illustrate more about ocean pollution by plastic, others call it "soup plastic ")


an ocean of PLASTIC

Oceans of plastic - Oppenheimer presents


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