Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How To Take Phlegm Out Of A Baby

Do you celebrate Christmas on December 25th? ... Yes, No and Why?

Sometimes we often see reality from another perspective but it seems so difficult to follow exactly that we say or think is either by traditions, culture, myths, legends, etc.

This video is about JJ Benitez studies that English is a famous journalist who wrote the books "Trojan Horse", where recounts the life of Jesus, and poses one of the biggest mysteries, thus obscuring the hidden NASA and travel.

Although this man many people consider it controversial, is right in many things and has to support the same story and the chronological years, the geography of days ago, it is worth noting that Mr. Benitez is based on a book especially the "Urantia Book" which you can see here ( ).

This part of the video illustrates one of the mistakes in the many, we begin with the year of birth of Jesus that according to Christianity was in year zero (0), although the error here and this was a mistake monk called Dionysius Exiguus. " In 1582 when Pope Gregorio XIII "undertook a reform of the calendar of Julius Caesar" was guided by the calculations of this monk, stating that the birth of Jesus was in the year zero (0). In the cycle 20 historians, exegetes and Astronomers discover that Jesus was born long before, the key is -4 year of our era, when fixing the date of death of Herod the year March 13 -4, lso specialists showed the schedule is terribly wrong, in which the year zero (0) in if not exists, is well known that Jesus was born under the reign of the murderous King Herod and the same is the one that ordered the slaughter of male children under 2 belen year and the region, this tragic circumstance places the birth of Jesus in the year -7 or -6.


  • Year -7: Birth of Jesus.

  • Year
  • -6: Massacre of the Innocents.

  • Year -4: Death of Herod the Great.

  • Year 1: Jesus fulfilled 7.

Another mistake is that Jesus not born in December, this invention biene cycle maybe IV or V cycle, when checking the weather conditions of belen noticed that between November and March are so crude that no pastor ariesga to bring their flocks into the hills, temperatures can drop to 5 or even 10 degrees below zero, if not too adversely that time when Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem this type of movement on foot or with animals always in season unfolded dry, never rains so Jose and Maria Belen tubieron to reach between May and October.

Why it is said that Jesus was born on December 25th? for many centuries before Mesopotamian peoples, the Egyptians and the Romans, had used to celebrate a feast called Diugualga began on December 21 celebrating the lengthening of days or the victory of the sun from the sun in effect expires and the day shifts are gradually lengthen auque no data are available, as historians point to "Constantine" as the emperor who admitted the change by replacing the pagan festival of Sol Invictus, the birth of Jesus you true winner of darkness despite the opposition of pure the Eastern church came to accept the date, the manipulation was successful, today very few know that this change was a political maneuver intended to overshadow (participate) to a pagan civilization another aberration of the regime of Constantine, the first ruler to accept Christianity as its official religion.

According to information from Benitez, Jesus was born at 12 noon of August 21


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